Landmark Case Highlights Importance of Outsourcing to Experts
David Payne
In a landmark case that will be of interest to business owners, accountants and payroll companies throughout the country, an accounting company has been held liable for their client’s breaches of the Fair Work Act. Employees of a Melbourne fast food restaurant chain were paid as little as $16.50 an hour, considerably less than the minimum wage...
Funding Your Recruitment Business
David Payne
Getting the funding right can make or break your business, especially at the beginning. By seeking advice from experts who understand your industry, you can make sure that you’re well-prepared, and that you’re getting the right funding for your business. You will need to be able to pay your temps their wages before you receive any money from...
Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail
David Payne
“Fail to prepare, prepare to fail” is an important adage to remember in the business world, and often in day-to-day life. Originally attributed to Benjamin Franklin, you may have heard these wise words long ago, but not necessarily recognised how relevant they are when you’re entering the brave new world of starting (and eventually sustaining) a successful business. The good news is, the failure rate...
Being Compliant from Day 1
David Payne
In the fourth blog of my series “Starting your own recruitment business”, let’s take a look at how to ensure you are compliant from day one. If you are setting up a recruitment business you will most likely have many years of experience as a consultant under your belt and will be familiar with certain aspects of compliance, by ensuring that...
Starting your own recruitment business – Letting go of the reins!
David Payne
When you first start out as the owner of a recruitment business, you may find it difficult to let go of the reins and trust others to take responsibility for the day-to-day tasks of running your business, let alone making important decisions. But by always hovering over shoulders, being reluctant to hire new people when you need to, or by trying to do everything yourself, you may find that the...
Starting your own recruitment business - Why you're more qualified than you think
David Payne
Many recruitment agencies get their start when successful consultants realise that there are little (or big!) things that they would do differently if they were in charge, or they feel like they have more to offer the recruitment industry than their current role allows. Of course, like any major change, taking the plunge can be daunting. But when you strike out on your own...
Starting your own recruitment business - money mistakes to avoid
David Payne
When starting up a recruitment business, there are some common mistakes you should try to avoid. It is far better to learn from the mistakes of others than to learn the hard way. The very reason I set up my own business is to help business owners get it right, after witnessing some great business failures during my time as an insolvency practitioner. This article will focus on recruitment on-hire (temporary and contract staff), but...
Starting your own recruitment business - are you thinking big picture?
David Payne
Many recruitment consultants find that the better they get at what they do, the more they start to notice ways in which the agency they work for could be doing things better. You may have had clients or candidates rave about how you go the extra mile, the little things you do that make a big difference, and the passion you bring to your work. People might have said...
Benefits of Outsourcing
David Payne
Enter the search term “benefits of outsourcing” into any internet web search engine and you are guaranteed to hit many sites, all professing the advantages of joining the outsourcing phenomena that overtook the business world in the early 90s and continues today, with anything from the “top three reasons to outsource” to a list of 32! The four most common points you will find listed under your search for the benefits of outsourcing are...
Reflecting on Recruitment Yarns 2016
David Payne
I have now had just over a month to reflect on what was a fantastic inaugural Recruitment Yarns tour. Having travelled to eight different cities I have met many recruiters from across the country, each with their own stories of challenges and successes. What I learned during my Recruitment Yarns journey is that these events create an open environment for business owners to not only learn from industry leaders, but to learn from...
Outsourcing for sanity!
Tony Metcalf
Many Australians have made the choice to be self-employed, small business owners, entrepreneurs, and medium to large enterprise owners. Owning your own business and working in that business is often rewarding and exciting. However, we often find ourselves doing things we don’t want to do or are really not proficient at. My first business (1996) was cash-based. It seemed easy enough to run - keep a ledger, write down the income and...
Operations, Sales and The Other Bloke
Tony Metcalf
By far the most successful business that I have had a stake in during my life to date started late in 2007 and ran into the GFC. Not good timing, highly stressful at times and a great story after. From a $15k start up to a multimillion dollar business, providing a livelihood to 85 people at its peak, to an eventual sale in 2012. Our business started with three partners, a paramedic, a salesman (me) and a doctor, and the vision to...